The Foundation and its administration are not responsible for any of the information you find on third-party websites. Please use discretion when implementing any of the suggestions on third-party websites. We do our best to provide you with useful and accurate links to legal information.



If you are a human being…

…This article is for YOU!



Before we begin we would like to give a standing ovation and credit to all of our volunteers who searched for the information you will read here. Without question this had to have been one of the more challenging assignments – given the subject matter.


SEX: Bigotry and Hatred are NOT the answer.

We human beings keep falling into the same exact trap over and over again throughout our existence upon this earth. We find a group within our society we don’t care for (like Jews during WWII in Germany, African Americans in America, Native Americans in America, Japanese Americans during WWII in America, etc, etc.), then we turn on them at levels depending upon how much they are hated, feared, and mistrusted.  And we keep doing it over and over again.

The only difference between what they did to the blacks during (and after) Jim Crow and what they are doing now to Sex Offenders is timing. Jim Crow was instantaneous, for the most part; enacted unanimously by those states who participated. The Sex Offender registry is incrementally segregating, isolating, and taking the constitutionally protected and God-given rights of anyone convicted of a sexual offense (no matter the offense or age of offender) for the rest of their lives. You know….the exact same rights they took from the blacks.

Making up new laws that make it illegal for a “sex offender” to live or work within 500ft distance from a school, playground, or anywhere else they decide to exclude such undesirables from existing, is called SEGRIGATION. It’s what the colonists did to the Indians on what is now known as America (Reservations), again, Hitler did it to the Jews - leading to the ghettos (and we all know what came next), it’s what Americans did to Japanese Americans during WWII. If we fear them, we keep treating them in the same exact manner; over and over, and over again. We MUST DO BETTER!

We have to break this cycle of doing the same thing over and over again if our species is to survive and evolve beyond these petty differences. But to do this, we have to see the bigger picture.


Attraction to Prepubescent Children:

It is genetically perfectly NORMAL!

You must first understand that post pubescent humans are NOT children anymore.  They are adults. If they can have children, they are NOT children. It doesn't matter what nonsense laws man creates to preen these ADULTS from having sex. Pretending they are still children is not living in reality and is harmful to them for life. Cultures older than wester civilization have bee havveing sex with pre- pibessant

Every parent knows that these so called innocent “children” are having sex and do everything adults do. They smoke, drink, swear, fuck, and yes, have babies. We as a race need to grow the fuck up as a species, start seeing the truth right in front of us, and change direction. But do not wait for the government to tell you its okay. They want you to keep living in fear and misinformation.

If it exists in nature outside direct human influence, it is normal; even if it is not common like pedophilia. This is called evolution. Our genetics respond to the outside stimuli received through various methods.

Each new generation of offspring is genetically better equipped to face the world to cope with the environment into which they were born. This is actually the true meaning of karma. Whatever experiences the parents have will be encoded within their own genome, and when they have offspring that same genome passes on. So a parent with mental illness may produce a child with mental illness, but not always. Sometimes genetic traits skip generations. Sometimes many generations. But no matter how you bake it, shake it, or fry it, a sexual attraction to prepubescent human beings is in fact perfectly normal within genetics. It doesn't matter what human beings think about it, feel about it, or what lore or legend they have created surrounding it.



What possible purpose could nature have to create anyone attracted to what we call a child? Genetics through evolution, has provided us with everything we need, even when and if we don’t know we need it. When it comes to sex, reproduction and well rounded child rearing, nature has served us well. Once, we lived in a male dominated culture worldwide (still in some countries) where a woman’s job was to have and raise offspring. Now women are not at home. Who is raising their offspring? The government controlled public school system, that’s who.

How has genetics through evolution compensated for this lacking? It has created an endless stream of individuals whose genetics cause them to think of children differently. You call them pedophiles, but they are not what law enforcement, the media, movies and TV would have you believe. We all know this instinctively, but the desire to be accepted by others in society prevents us from expressing it out loud.

Nature created these compassionate, caring, loving, empathic, sympathetic, and demure individuals (both female and male) to teach young people about the things others either cannot or will not due to outdated social traditions, namely sex. Most of the so called sex abuse of children does NOT occur before, during, or after the sexual activity. This is not at all true. Case law (court cases that went to trial) and court documents from hundreds of thousands of sex offense trials from around the world demonstrate a concerted effort by law enforcement to hide the real truth about these crimes. In nearly all trial court case The Foundation privately investigated worldwide, any and all evidence (which included victim/witness statements), that hinted to a “victim’s” willingness to participate in any form of sexual activity was to be ignored and a new narrative of “forced rape” entered in its place. This has been confirmed by several independent attorneys world wide. A concerted effort has been launched worldwide to rid the civilized world of any and all persons deemed deviant.

This practice of changing a victim’s statement to reflect the prejudice and bigotry of those in power (who tell you what to think) and the sheeple, who mindlessly decide to go along with it, is still happening right now. Children who are curious about sex and found an someone their own age or an adult willing to explore it with them of their own free will, are being lied to about what happened and brainwashed by law enforcement, psychiatrists, therapists, and others, into believing their hate-filled fantasy that this young person couldn’t possibly have wanted this, but was rather coerced, threatened, or in some way forced into the sexual activity.

They want to keep the fires of hatred fueled withing the general public. They want you to think some lion-like preditor is after your children, so hole their little hands tight. Their media are instructed to only provide kidnapping and other stories, such as sex rings and the like, just to keep you believing these thing are clear and present dangers to you and yours. They are not! They are very rare, and usually happen in poorer countries with lax child protection laws, but they don’t tell you that. They don’t tell you that most sexx offenses involving children, were committed by a family member or close family friend. They need you to believe they are monsters! Rather, they never make anyone do anything they don’t want. Think about it. You live in or frequent the same house. The child knows you and you them. If sex play is raised, no one in their right mind (and these are some of the smartest people on earth – do the research, we did) would be able to make the other do anything they didn’t wish to. Preteen children have no historic memory. They cannot compare their current situation to anything within their short time on this planet. Therefore, they have nothing with which to measure whether an act is good or bad (within the belief systems of the society in which they were born and raised). The only thing they do have is their human instincts; their genetics. Practically from birth they began exploring their own bodies and found their sexual pleasure zone. Instinct not worldly knowledge is what drives them. Once they have access to other human beings, they begin sexually exploring their bodies as well (within what adults will allow). When one group or individual is unwilling or unable to satisfy their natural curiosity, they turn to age-mates or anyone else interested. None of this activity is wrong, dirty, perverted, or predatorial. If the child is not interested in having sexual contact with anyone, they will let them know.


What’s next for the Sex Offender Registry?

Want to know where this sex offender registry goes from here? Look no further than human history. First you turn society against those you wish to rid you society of (like blacks, Jews, etc.) Then you pass special laws to “protect society from them”, and finally you sweep them all up and they end up in some form of concentration camp. The U.S. must do this slowly as it is supposed to be a free country. But it is in lockstep with china and its treatment of those it hates, as well as all western countries.



Within most human cultures today sexual intercourse as well as other sex acts are considered taboo to discuss openly. We as humans are very ignorant when it comes to matters of sex. One of the reasons why is because of our refusal to accept the fact that sex for the purpose of gratification as opposed to procreation is perfectly normal. Sexual gratification is actually driven by the need to breed. There is absolutely nothing shameful about humans having sexual interactions. Humans are the ones who place shame on the act. Humans are the ones who decided to hide the subject matter of sex and make it something very shameful when it should be touted as being desirable and acceptable.

Therefore, when it comes to the various sexual orientations that exist beyond heterosexuality, human beings are even less tolerant. Anyone who is not heterosexual have historically been (and are currently even in today’s post 2020 enlightened world) persecuted, hated, feared, misunderstood, and brutalized physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Many sexual orientations are so marginalized that these individuals may find it virtually impossible to live their lives. What's more, it is even more difficult for individuals with alternative sexual orientations to have any kind of quality of life.

This archaic notion of sexual purity must be purged from our species if we are to survive and move forward.



Most people still think that a person's sexual orientation is a choice, which has been scientifically proven to be untrue. All sexual orientations are genetic in nature, including a Sexual Attraction to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children and its various incarnations. No human being wakes up one morning and, out of the clear blue sky, decides that they are not only going to be Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children, but act out on that decision as well by molesting a child. Simply ask yourself when you decided your own sexual orientation. If you're being honest with yourself, you already know the answer. You never made a conscious decision; it's just always been that way as far back as you can remember from your childhood. The main reason people find this (a Sexual Attraction to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children and its variations) particular orientation disturbing is because it is focused upon children. Nevertheless, it is a sexual orientation no more or less valid than heterosexuality or LGBTQ, etc. And, prior sexual abuse does not produce Individuals Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children. If this were true then you would find many more adult Individuals Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children than evidenced by police reports, public arrest records court documents and case law. A Sexual Attraction to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children and its variations are in fact genetic and primarily affect males although there are female Individuals Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children as well.

The main reason that most people, educated on this subject matter or not, will laugh or even get angry at the mere suggestion that this is not a choice, is because they need it to be a choice in order to hate and fear them. It's very difficult to call someone a monster if we are willing to admit that their sexual orientation is not their choice or their fault. As long as our society holds Individuals Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children responsible for being Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children change will not happen. Rather, what will continue is the persecution of such individuals.

It's difficult to call a person a monster when it's not their fault. So we ignore glaring facts and insist that these people are choosing their sexual orientation. And since we are NOT an enlightened understanding society, they have no one to turn to and no sexual outlets to use in place of seeking out willing young people.

Now what needs to be understood here is that genetically predisposed sexual orientation is not an excuse for acting out on that orientation (especially if such activities are illegal). In most modern-day societies throughout the world people are held responsible for their illegal actions and misdeeds; usually expressed by fines, imprisonment, or in some instances even death.

That said, people with a sexual attraction to prepubescent children have different challenges than those of other sexual orientations. If a heterosexual or someone from the LGBTQ community wanted to engage in sexual activities with a partner, or go onto the Internet and find sexual content to satisfy their sexual urges (one of the most powerful human urges we have, the urge to procreate), they can legally do so. But what does someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children do? You may say to yourself, "I don't care, it's not my problem". It would be your problem if this individual inserted themselves into your life and that of your family, and then turned to your willing children to meet these sexual needs. Imagine for a moment that the object of your sexual desire is illegal and out of your reach, unless you want to go to jail or prison or worse. Imagine you can't go on the Internet to satisfy your sexual urges. Imagine there's nothing you can do about it. You have this powerful urge that you never wanted but can't fulfill. This is what these folks have to deal with on a daily basis. It is an unreasonable request and one which, in the end, would fail because human beings need to tend to their sexual needs one way or the other; and unfortunately not everyone has a vivid sexual imagination (they need something external and more tangible) they may go to in these times. Most such people can control themselves. Most are never detected throughout their entire lives.

Fortunately there is hope! If you or someone you know is Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children we have the answers for you.


Everything below this point is for those sexually attracted to those society says are too young for sexual contact.




Safe Anonymous Internet: The TOR Onion Web Browser

Most of the suggested methods of alternative sexual gratification require, in some way, the use of the internet. Do not use traditional Web browsers to investigate any of the links we provide below even though all of the links and information below are 100% legal in the United States.

We ant to make one thing clear. If your liv in a country that forbids sex with those it considers underage, DO NOT VIOLATE THEIR LAWS. DO NOT HAVE SEXUAL CONTACT WITH ANTONE UNDER YOUR COUNTRY'S AGE OF CONSENT!!!!! NEVER, EVER, EVEN IF THE CHILD IS WILLING (as most are). They will tell of your activities because they don’t know any better so you will get caught, and you will go to jail or prison or both!!! Follow what we tell you and stay out of jail and prison. NEVER HAVE SEXUAL CONTACT WITH ANY UNDERAGED INDIVIDUALS IN YOUR COUNTRY OR ANY YOU VISIT!!!!

    • Under no circumstances should you ever search for anything having to do with child pornography (CP), or for that matter anything illegal.
    • If you feel the need to do so, do not use your regular/traditional browser's search engine. Most such sites you will find, if any, are controlled by hackers, scammers, or law enforcement; trying to lure unsuspecting “sexual predators” into a trap/sting.
    • Also, all searches are recorded and saved by companies like Google (Google Chrome browser) and Microsoft (Microsoft Edge browser), along with your IP address. Federal law enforcement agencies have agreements with such companies, as well as every major Internet service and provider (ISP) and phone services providers, to give them (usually with a court order but also on the QT...illegally) unfettered access to any information about anyone and the websites they have searched for and visited. You should always use the TOR Onion Web Browser instead of your traditional web browser, when visiting the sites we suggest. What is the TOR Onion Web Browser? The TOR Onion Web Browser is an open source browser which provides you anonymity while you search the web and visit websites.
    • FIRST, and more specifically, what the TOR Onion Web Browser does is hide/mask your IP address (An Internet Protocol address - IP address - is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication). Put simply, an IP address is literally like your home address. Law enforcement and hackers can use your IP address to locate your exact location when you access a website. By hiding (masking) your IP address, it makes it virtually impossible for anyone to know your exact location. Here's a practical world example: A volunteer of ours was feeling depressed. Using a traditional regular web browser she went to a suicide prevention website which offered live chat with a trained professional. So depressed was she, that she decided to commit suicide anyway and stated as much in the chat forum. She logged off. Within 20 min. a police car and ambulance were in her driveway. The website she had accessed logged her IP address. The moderators of the website used her IP address to find out her exact home address, contacted law enforcement, and they were dispatched. So when we say do not use traditional Web browsers to investigate any of the links we provide below, we are not kidding! And there is no way for you to know which websites are logging your IP address.
    • The SECOND Way the TOR Onion Web Browser maintains your anonymity is by routing your search through numerous personally owned computers and servers, located all across the globe. It's like in those television crime dramas where the evil genius computer whiz routs his or her Internet traffic all over the globe so that it’s difficult for hackers or law-enforcement to track their exact location. Every time you type or paste a web address into the TOR Onion Web Browser search engine it routes you through different computers before it ever reaches the page you are looking for. It never takes the same route twice.
  • To download and install the TOR Onion Web Browser simply go to the following link and follow the directions as they apply to your operating system: https://www.torproject.org/

After you have downloaded, installed, and opened the TOR Onion Web Browser, the first thing you want to do is make sure that the security settings are at their highest level for full protection (less will compromise your anonymity) simply look for this button symbol () in the upper right-hand of the browser. Make sure that it looks something like the picture shown above (if the default security settings are at their lowest level you will see this symbol or something like it. You will need to change that immediately.

To do this: Click on this symbol. A drop-down menu will appear. You will see a link that says "Advanced Security Settings". Always, always set the security at its highest level. As you look at the links we've provided you below, you'll begin to understand why anonymity and security are paramount.

Some of the links provided below may have the "onion" extension instead of .com. These are websites that can only be viewed on the TOR Onion Web Browser (we'll get into this more later on). Do try to keep in mind that because your search is being routed all over the place for anonymity, it may take a few moments for certain websites to load (especially "onion" extension websites).

NOTE: To fully access the links below, using the TOR browser, you may have to lower some of the security settings to view certain site elements. First, with full security settings employed, go to the desired site. Then, as needed, remove the security. You IP address is still masked, but java and other like scripts CAN track you back over time (they are clever).




Sex dolls have come a long way from the fun-loving blowup actor in the move “Airplane”. Now they are fully customizable from head to toe; and they are usually affordable. For those individuals Sexually Attracted to Underage and/or Prepubescent Children this is great news! Now you too can own your very own sex doll customized to your liking.


No matter what you’re into, one of the companies listed below (or others found on the web) will be able to fill your order. We’ve contacted many such companies both in the USA and internationally, and beyond fulfilling your order they cast no judgment. You wouldn’t believe some of the options and accessories you can get for your sex doll.


So whatever you’re into, whatever height, weight, hair color, build, pubic hair/no pubic hair penis/vagina type/size, buttocks size, lips, hands, and well you get the picture…you can order it!


This option is not for everyone.

  • Not everyone is ready for this type or level of commitment (care & maintenance, storage when not in use, etc.).
  • Not everyone resides in a situation where they can accommodate another human sized individual living with them, even if that person is synthetic and tucked into a cubby.
  • So before you make this most important life altering choice, look at your physical living environment/space, and then look within yourself to determine if this is the right alterative for you.

















Erotic story websites are filled with free child/child and adult/child sex stories you can read for free. They feature stories involving sex between consenting and non-consenting adults and children.


1. Stories



By using the ASSTR on-site search engine, you can find some of the most tame or completely bizarre sex stories imaginable.

Child Sex Stories: https://www.childsexstories.com/

Literature Forum RU: http://hedgehog44773ens.onion/

Maipenraikhap: https://www.maipenraikhap.org/

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/

PZA Boy Stories: http://3sp6svxkyucma3i2.onion/


2. CG Pictures, Photos & Videos

None of the elements which make up the scenes in these videos are real. Everything is computer generated (CG). Under no circumstances should you save or copy to your hard drive (or other device) any of the images you find. Even non-nude images can and will be used against you in a court of law if for some reason law-enforcement obtains a warrant and gains access to your Internet connectable electronic devices such as PC, laptop, cell phone, or tablet, storage, etc. Simply use the images as needed and move on.

Some of these websites allow you to create a user account. Under no circumstances should you do this. If you insist upon doing so, using your onion browser, do a search for onion e-mail addresses and find a website which will allow you to create an anonymous e-mail address. For the password make sure you do not use one which you have already used anywhere on the Internet, regardless of which browser you used in the past.

Here's a practical world example: In 2014 a man received a visit from two law enforcement officials, one from state police barracks and the other from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They were there because in 2013 (approximately a year earlier) his e-mail addresses and password was located on a Russian Web server he had never even heard of. Back in 2013 his PC was hacked and his passwords Internet e-mail account was accessed several times. The Internet service provider he was using for his e-mail contacted him on two separate occasions about two separate hacking incidents, informing him to change his e-mail password immediately or, if a third breach occurred on their server; they would close his e-mail account for good. The two law enforcement officials, who had no warrant, wanted to have him sign a waiver allowing them to place a thumb drive into his PC which would collect data such as video and image files as well as his Internet history and favorites. The man refused to sign the waiver but instead explained about the breach and they even allowed him to call a friend on their phone (open speaker) to verify this to them. Furthermore, the man cooperated by allowing the DHS officer to view whatever he wanted on the computer. All the man did was point and click where the officer requested. There was nothing illegal because the man volunteered to do this.

Whether or not you've been hacked, any personal or personally identifiable information you provide to any of these websites will be stored on their server and if in the future said website were to be under investigation by law enforcement, regardless what country, you’re personal or personally identifiable information would be in their hands.












That’s all for now. More when we have more. But be careful when/if engaging with any of these sites and their links. Good luck!

JOIN The Foundation: https://form.jotform.com/203601524803142


Dont Fuck Up My Chi
Lying to chindren1
No Bullshit Zone
Retrain Your Brain
Dont let others



We thought we would add a bit of HOPE & Peace. Enjoy!


David Robitaille’s Story

Hope for all living on the Sex Offender Registry!

Weight Loss Pot


The Foundation is not responsible for any of the information you find on third-party websites. Please use discretion when implementing any of the suggestions on third-party websites. We do our best to provide you with useful and accurate links.


This entire website, which does not include third-party links, is a No Cancel Culture, free speech and freedom of expression zone. This means you may come across offensive and or objectionable content. We allow and encourage all manner of freedom of expression regardless of the social norms in place at the time (from the past, today or in the future).

